You tell us what you want to ask.
We’ll tell you how to ask it.
helping you design your survey
We help you ask and answer the right questions, in the right way, so the data you obtain will lead to the right action. Should we do a pulse check? A comprehensive engagement survey? Is mental health or employee engagement more important to measure right now? How often should we survey our employees? What about survey fatigue? In addition to the asking the right questions, we have also worked with many platforms and survey vendors (and we have worked for several vendors ourselves), so we can help you make the right choice between complete SaaS (Software as a Service) to full service consulting. Yes, the former is cheaper, but involves a lot more work on your part. We help you strike the right balance, not only for this survey but we help you find the long term solution for your organization. We work with a number of survey partners with whom we have full confidence, which takes the guess-work out of this important decision. The Entegritē partners have more than fifty years of combined experience designing and administering surveys, with special emphasis on employee surveys. We can help you navigate these tricky waters.